Memorial Day Sale!


In honor of Memorial Day, we are holding a special sale! Today and tomorrow, pick our whole series for less than three bucks! That’s right! Alecto is free and the other books are 99¢ each! Here are handy links for each book!

The Alecto Initiative (Loralynn Kennakris Book 1):

The Morning Which Breaks (Loralynn Kennakris Book 2):

Asylum (Loralynn Kennakris Book 3):

Apollyon’s Gambit (Loralynn Kennakris Book 4):

Get them all or buy a copy for a friend! This sale ends Memorial Day (Monday, May 29th) at 11 PM PDT.

For those of you on our mailing list, Chapter 13 of Bonds of Orion will be released tomorrow, by 2 AM, PDT. Look for it then!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

A Brief Interruption …

… In your regularly scheduled programming. Due to the intercession of life this week and a trip this weekend, we will not be releasing a new chapter of The Bonds of Orion this weekend. Rest assured that we will be back on track next week. Our apologies for the delay.

Wishing each and every one of you a Happy Mother’s Day!

Success! Apollyon’s Gambit’s is Live!

Dear Readers!

The long (very long) wait is over! Apollyon’s Gambit’s is Live on Amazon!

As many of you no doubt guessed there was an 11-hour issue with our upload file that delayed things. But that has been resolved (we believe happily).

The print edition will be ready in a week or so. We’ll post an announcement when it’s ready.

Once again, our deep gratitude to each and every one of you!

Apollyon’s Gambit Publishing

Hello Readers!

Apollyon’s Gambit is in the process of publishing! It is not yet available on Amazon but we will post again here as soon as KDP approves it and makes it live.

Our heartfelt thanks to all of you for sticking with us through this long, long haul!

Apollyon’s Gambit Release Update

Thanks to everyone for your interest in the release of Apollyon’s Gambit! We will be submitting it for publication this Tuesday, October 25th, the 72nd anniversary of the Battle of Samar.

This fourth book of our series has been a long time in coming, and it is our longest and most ambitious book so far, by quite a bit. We appreciate the patience of all of you while we finished this volume, and we sincerely hope it is worth the wait.

Now, we are moving on to complete the next book in our series, The Bonds of Orion, and we can confidently promise you won’t have to wait almost two years for it!

Your support means the world[s] to us!

The Taking of Romeo Nine — Free This Weekend!


The Taking of Romeo Nine will be free this weekend, October 1st and 2nd! (Sales starts at midnight, Pacific time.)

We hope everyone is enjoying the change in seasons (we are!) and we will be back with more updates in the near future.

Thanks for your support!

(Re)introducing Minerva Lewis


Hello and Happy 4th for those of you looking forward to this long weekend!

We have an announcement to makes us quite happy, and we think you might like it, too. Ever since she was introduced in Wogan’s Reef, Captain Minerva Lewis has become increasingly popular. In response to readers wanting to know more about her, we’ve just published a long short story (13,500 words) from her early career. If you liked Minerva Lewis before, we think you will really enjoy this episode from her days as a brash young lieutenant.

The Taking of Romeo Nine is available now on Amazon [], but it will be free this Sunday, July 3rd, so you might want to consider waiting a day! 😉

The Taking of Romeo Nine

Two years ago, Lieutenant Minerva Lewis was one of the most promising young officers in the CEF Marine Corps. Then a terrible thing happened: peace. Now, after one too many boredom-induced incidents, she’s been exiled to a backwater planet where the most exciting part of her day is watching for twenty-foot-long, fur-bearing centipedes.

That is, until slavers elected to stash a boatload of captives somewhere in the trackless delta that is Min’s new home. Granted release from watchstanding and allowed twenty-four volunteers to try to find these people, Min has no idea what she is wading into (literally). She might be up against dozens of bad guys, or hundreds. She won’t get any support from a CO who will call it a win whether she comes back or not. Deep in the muck of this fetid hellhole, she can’t rely on all the fancy gadgets and snazzy assets of modern warfare.

To rescue the captives (and maybe her career), Min will have to rely on her grit, her creativity, and some cheek. Maybe a lot of cheek . . .

Massive Sales Event This Weekend!

Over this long weekend, starting July 1 and continuing through the 4th, the wonderful folks at Support Indie Authors are holding a special Sales Event! Fifty authors (including us) will be offering their ebooks for free or at a steep discount! There are almost 100 titles in all genres, so you will find something to suit every taste.

We have the boxed set of the first three books of our series available for only $2.99!

Check out the offerings here: Pick up some new reading for yourself and to share with family and friends!

Wishing everyone the best for 4th!
        Owen & Jordan

We have a Date!

Hello Readers! We are excited to announce we have a date for the release of Apollyon’s Gambit!

The fourth book of our series will be released on Sunday, October 23rd, 2016. That day is the anniversary of the Battle of Leyte Gulf, and two days after Trafalgar Day, so we view it as being a auspicious occasion. Apollyon’s Gambit will be available for preorder on Amazon on Labor Day weekend.

Many thanks to each and every one of you who stuck with us and offered your support while we overcame some obstacles to get back on track. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Presenting Missy Sheldrake, author of The Keepers of the Wellsprings Series

Hello! Today we’d like to introduce you Missy Sheldrake, author of the The Keepers of the Wellsprings Series. She is a gifted fantasy writer who’s work I think will appeal to fans of the genre. Before I turn this blog post over to her, do note that Call of Kythshire is free June 10-12th, and Call of Sunteri is on sale for $0.99 on the same dates. Now, without further ado, here’s Missy!

~ ~ ~

I’m excited to announce that the third book in the Keepers of the Wellsprings series, Call of Brindelier, is now available on Amazon! If you haven’t read the previous books yet, read on for a super-quick crash course.

When I started writing this series, I really wanted to tell a story that was rich with fantasy, but not overly dark or mired with war and violence. I wanted to show the light side of fantasy: the cheerful, magical, uplifting side which I always drink up whenever it emerges in a story, and which always seems to be so fleeting in fantasy tales. I wanted to tell a story that would capture the hearts of young and old alike. Don’t get me wrong, my books aren’t void of conflict and evil. They tell of uncomfortable moments. There is violence and wickedness, but it’s those moments in my stories which are the fleeting ones. In the pages of my books, you will find fairies, Mages, Paladins, Elves, Dreamwalkers, Princes and Princesses, and even dragons. You’ll travel through a world rich with magic and wonder.

In Call of Kythshire, you’ll learn all about Cerion, a seaside kingdom which has celebrated peace for over a century. You’ll meet His Majesty’s Elite, a guild that is the right hand adventuring team of King Tirnon Plethore, and you’ll join Azi Hammerfel, a young squire who has grown up within the guild’s halls, through disappointments and triumphs. By her side is Rian, her childhood friend, an Apprentice of the Mage Academy. You’ll meet Flit, a fairy from Kythshire, who is as tricky as any fairy you might imagine, but has a depth of character and a sense of purpose uncommon for a typical fairy. You’ll see her world unfold, and feel the evil threat of Sorcery that looms, waiting to destroy it. You’ll learn a little about the Wellsprings, but not too much, for their existence and workings are a well-protected secret. (Click here to read an excerpt from Call of Kythshire.)

In Call of Sunteri, you’ll meet the strong-willed slave boy, Tib, who makes his first appearance as he escapes from the grips of Sorcery in the desert continent of Sunteri. He has help crossing the vast oceans to reach Cerion, but he doesn’t realize it at first. A mysterious being speaks to his mind, controlling his thoughts and making suggestions to ensure his own survival. In the meantime, Azi has been given the task of escorting the Prince of Cerion and his wife-with-child to the lakeside Kordelya Castle as the prince faces suspicion and ridicule after the events of Call of Kythshire. But a darker force emerges from the Dreaming, whose wicked intent is to use any means necessary to escape its prison and claim the magic of the Wellsprings for his own. In this book, you’ll see the devastating effects of the overuse of magic, and what it does to the Wellsprings and the creatures who thrive around them. (Click here to read an excerpt from Call of Sunteri.)

In Call of Brindelier, a dark force looms, more powerful and destructive than any threat Azi and her guild have yet faced. You’ll follow Celli, a scrappy street fighter, as she is enticed into the grips of a powerful Sorcerer. You’ll watch Tib come into his own as he sneaks through the streets of Cerion, uncovering the darkness while also working on a mysterious project. You’ll follow Azi on a quest set by Princess Margary to find proof of Brindelier, a city in the clouds which is the key to all of the Wellsprings in the Known Lands. But Margy is not the only one interested in Brindelier. A dark force has been gathering, poised to claim it for their own. Control over the Wellsprings hangs in the balance. (Click here to read an excerpt from Call of Brindelier.)

Thank you for reading!
Missy Sheldrake


Learn more about Missy through these links:



Amazon Author Page: