The Erl King’s Children FREE!

The Erl Kings Children

Hello Again, Everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that my Celtic fantasy novel is FREE on Amazon for these two days: Monday, March 30, and Saturday, April 4! If you like “old-school” epic fantasy with a bit of a twist, you might want to check it out! (Plenty of epic battles, desperate combat, narrow escapes, a few elves, a little gore and a bit of sex.)


On Navigation

As we are hard at work on the fourth book, and desiring to improve anything we can, we’d like to solicit feedback on TOCs. The TOC in Asylum was quite detailed which also made it quite long. Did including the subchapters in the TOC help or hinder?

Sound off in the comments and help us make the fourth book a better reading experience.

Thanks for all your support!

Asylum Print Edition Available

For those of you who prefer to hold actual paper in your hands, the print edition of Asylum is available. Use the link below to get it direct from Createspace and save some money as well!

Print Edition:

(To get $3.00 dollars off, use this code: NA5GGCRC. Good only at CreateSpace.)

The Erl King’s Children now on Sale!

The Erl Kings Children

Hello Everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that my Celtic fantasy novel is now on sale at Amazon for $0.99! If you like “old-school” epic fantasy with a bit of a twist, you might want to check out my novel! (Plenty of desperate combat, epic battles, narrow escapes, a few elves, a little gore and a bit of sex.)

Get the Kindle edition free with purchase!
Get $2.00 Dollars off with this code: BZVWZTXW. [Good only at Createspace.]


Asylum is live on Amazon Kindle!

Whoo hoo! (Time to do the happy dance!) And because we are doing the Happy Dance, both Alecto and The Morning which Breaks are on sale for a week! Get Alecto for only $0.99 and The Morning which Breaks for $1.99!

Okay, now we’ll get back to work…

Look for news of the print edition in a few days.

Update: If anyone out there uses a Kindle Voyage, could you please leave a comment to that effect here? Thanks!


Asylum has been submitted for publication! If all goes well, it should be live on Amazon KDP in the 12 hours or so.

We will update here with a link as soon as it goes live! For those interested in such things, the print edition (with should be live on Createspace early next week) came in at 520 pages.

Onward and upward!

We have a date!

We have a release date for Asylum (good lord willing and the creek don’t rise): February 20th. If there are no hiccups with Amazon, the Kindle edition should be available that weekend (February 21st-22nd). The paperback version will follow within 2 or 3 weeks. (The paperback version always seems to take a while to get listed on Amazon from Createspace for some reason.)

We have decided not to deal with preordering this time around. Looking into it more closely and discussing other authors’ experiences with them, we decided it was unlikely to convey a great enough benefit this time. So we are going to revisit the issue when the fourth book is ready.

Many thanks to everyone who helped get this book into shape. Your assistance has been invaluable. What deficiencies remain are ours alone, and are probably there because we didn’t listen where we ought to have.

Enjoy Asylum and onward to Book 4!

To preorder or . . .

Update: It appears the offering our next book on preorder might have benefits of which we were unaware (live and learn). We are going to look into this over this weekend, and if things are as it appears they might be, we will be offering Asylum for preorder by the end of this month. If this works out, the preorder price for Asylum will be discounted (assuming that is possible).

We are a little curious how our faithful readers feel about preordering books. In the larger publishing universe, preorders are used to drive a lot of marketing decisions. In the itsy-bitsy space we inhabit, there doesn’t seem to be much point to it. (I’ll admit I don’t really understand how preorders affect Amazon rankings and thus how useful they are for generating that “all-important buzz” prior to the book’s release, so we probably have something to learn there.) Our basic thought is that it’s just as well to make the book available when it’s ready, and not deal with preordering at this point. (When we have 3+ books already out there, things might change.)

Part of our question is that we aren’t aware of how readers view preordering. Do they consider is a good thing or a not-so-good thing, or something that does not matter either way? So sound off in the comments on this, if you feel so inclined.

BTW: The publication date for Asylum will be sometime between the middle and end of February. We are still waiting to hear back on getting the final proofing done, and once we do, we’ll have a firm date. And, of course, we will post an update here as soon as we know.

Thanks again for all your interest and support!

Happy Holidays! (and a draft)

Happy Holidays!

We hope everyone is enjoying the season!

For our part, we’d like to announce that the draft of Asylum is complete and will be sent out for review very shortly. With all the vagaries of final editing and proofreading and all that sort of nice thing, we anticipate releasing the book by the end of January (and yes, that’s 2015, for any doubters out there). 😉

Then it’s onwards and upwards to Book 4!

So have a wonderful time and we’ll back with updates as things progress!

Third time’s a charm

. . . instead of three strikes, we hope. We just completed another major revision and reorganization of Wogan’s Reef, with additional material added to expand Part 1. We believe we now have a stable ‘configuration’ (if we can use such a term) that will allow us to complete the rest of the story without so much to’ing and fro’ing. On the plus side, the story has come together much better (and our undying thanks to those of you who have helped in the sausage making!); on the less-than-plus side, it’s taking longer than we’d like. (We realize this is not exactly news.)

For those who like stats, the manuscript currently weighs in at 109,000 words, which equates to ~340 pages.