This Saturday, October 24th, more than 30 authors will be giving away nearly 50 free ebooks! There are works in a variety of genres, to please every taste. Take a moment to check out the offerings over at:
Articles for October 2015
Regeneration X
Every once in a while, we run across books that we feel our readers would benefit from hearing about. Regeneration X is one such book. I posted this review on Goodreads and am posting it here as well. Interested parties can buy or borrow it for free through KU here:
When it comes to books, I’m caught by two things: prose style and intelligent, complex, believable and somewhat quirky characters. Quotes by Shakespeare in the chapter heads is a big plus, too. “Regeneration X” offers all three. The author has put a great deal of thought into her characters and setting, honing the details to perfection. Better yet (in my opinion), she writes with the incisiveness of a clinician deeply informed by the sensibilities of a poet. This is rare and personally, I would place “Regeneration X” among the top ranks of the literature with which I am acquainted.
I have a dislike of attaching numbers to art. Numbers are very fine things, but the prevalent mania for ranking stuff leads to them slopping over into areas they were never meant to go. One does not understand art “by the numbers” and art is what we have here. So (on reflection), I have rated this 5 stars, up from my original 4, because my original rating attempted (poorly) to express a multiplicity of factors in which personal predilection played an uncertain role: a wish that just a little more heat would have been applied warring with the knowledge that doing so would weaken (and if overdone to the slightest degree, break) the entire work.
In the end, I set aside my feelings and took this story as I feel the author intended, undistracted by my desire to meddle. Hence 5 stars.
Now, having made clear (I trust) how I feel about numerical ratings, it is incumbent on me to explain (or try to) how I feel about this book. The only way I can think to do that is through a parable. (I’m eccentric that way.)
Some years ago, I encountered a man who believed in miracles. He was fervent on the subject and he expected these miracles to arrive “in clouds of Glory.” He said so several times. Aside from the fact that he made miracles sound like they were produced by ILM (I think he could’ve quoted Shakespeare to better effect), I felt he was destined to disappointment.
I felt this way because I also believe in miracles and there was one, lying right there at his feet: a butterfly’s wing. (A red admiral, as I recall.) Seen at extreme magnification, a butterfly’s wing is a thing of remarkable beauty, but this (to me) is the miraculous part: the tiny structures that make it so also allow the red admiral to fly.
But the man had his heart set on miracles being delivered to him by “clouds of Glory,” not the wings of butterflies. And so he left, no doubt hopeful but unfulfilled. I suspect he remains so.
“Regeneration X” is like the wing of that red admiral. First, you have to notice it. Then, you have to pick it up (fortunately it’s not as fragile), and then you have examine it very closely. Finally, you have to think about it, undistracted by cravings for a quick and slippery gratification. Only then, will its beauty and power become accessible.
That is the quiet challenge “Regeneration X” lays at our feet. We can pause in our daily rush to “somewhere” and take it up, or we can go on looking to be dazzled by clouds of glory.
I’m satisfied with my choice. Others will have to make up their own minds.
Wow! We’ve been nominated!
Some kind soul has nominated Alecto for an award over at (aka the people’s Book Awards)!
We are, of course, more than thrilled that someone would think our work worthy of an award. If you agree and would like to vote for us, this is the link:
Thanks again for all your support for our efforts!
Radio Silence
It seems September vanished in a puff of orange smoke. Seriously, I can’t recall a month whizzing by like this. So what were we up to last month?
Writing, of course. Progress on Apollyon continues to be made. We’ve still been sending out new chapters to the mailing list, and will continue to do so. Another will be sent out tomorrow. (If you are interested, and haven’t sign up yet, feel free to do so!) We’d also like to extend a hearty welcome to the new people who’ve recently joined our list. We’ll endeavor to make it worth your while!
Part 1 of Apollyon (which currently runs to about 100 paperback pages) has been undergoing editing and revamping, with new chapters added. A major chunk of our time has been dedicated there.
That’s pretty much all the news that’s fit to print at the moment. We’ll be back with more updates, as they happen.